Random Notes on Food and Fun

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ubuntu + old laptop + evernote = happy recipes in the kitchen

So what does ubuntu and linux have to do with food?  Well, follow me on this path of happy reuse. So I have an old laptop with windows XP on it.  It takes like a half hour to boot.  I tried reinstalling windows and it did not help.  Now, I have wanted a laptop in the kitchen (it is an eat in kitchen) to look up my recipes that I have on Evernote (a cloud based notetaker with great tagging capabilities)So poof, I deleted windows and installed linux ubuntu.(FREE)  Well, it does take a bit longer than that.  Now I can access my online evernote account with all my recipes.  Also, check the weather (really, are we that obsessed with the weather, yes).  I need to get out more.

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